Monday, August 17, 2009


  1. Men can have negative body images as well...its all about muscles and height. But you are right, it doesn't seem to bother them as much. I think fewer men have body image problems but when they do, it can be more severe/less understandable.

  2. I needed to read that this morning. Thank you.

    :::visit from a SITSta:::

  3. I wouldn't mind being a little more like men in how I view my body. Except I don't want nose hair.

  4. HoundsGood - you're probably right.
    Jayne - thank YOU for visiting.
    Debbie - I don't want nose hair, either, but it was there to welcome me to my 40s a while back!
    Nunpuns - thanks so much!! Love your Nun Pun artwork!

  5. Excellent post, but . . .

    “What you women need to understand is, to us men, God did not create a single ugly naked woman. Only beautiful ones.”

    Who IS this guy? And why didn't I marry him?! ;)

  6. Love it - you're so right! It's the only way I think we women need the benefit of more testosterone. I often think this is old old stuff we're just carrying through the generations, from the times when we needed to compete to get the benefit of the resources needed for surviving, mostly controlled by males. This is the generation that gets over it, imo :)

  7. Sandy, with all the hair I am now sprouting from places hair should NOT grow, I think I may have latched onto some more testosterone! Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  8. I want to be the best I can be. And I know I am, because tomorrow I will only be worse.
