Seems many are enjoying the benefits of yoga. I, too, have tried this meditative, beneficial and ancient discipline from India. I have found many of the poses tough to accomplish or hold, however. Come to find out, there's a real secret to mastering these exercises. The technique is as old as yoga itself. Simply, you must let the spirit move you. The spirit can be gin, vodka, or rum. It really doesn't matter. What matters is that you are open to the spirit and committed to obtaining the positions. Below is photographic evidence of the effectiveness of employing this principle. Buddhists hold that "meditative absorption" should be combined with mindfulness in yoga. I know many Ungirdled Women join me in the belief that alcohol absorption is a quicker way to relaxation and inner peace, as well as an aid in conquering difficult yoga poses. Below, we have traditional yoga practitioners on the left, and Ungirdled practitioners who have allowed "spirit" to move them on the right.

Excellent for back pain and imsomnia.
(I ask you, who has the most limber vertebral column here?! The yoga devotee on the right is obviously feeling NO back pain and insomnia is a thing of the past!)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.
(It is evident to me that the student on the right has achieved total calmness of the brain)

Position stimulates the midrift area and the spinal column.
(Personally, I think the student on the right is very clever to incorporate
a bench in the stimulation of the midrift area

Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.
(The practitioner on the right is so calm, he can perform this pose right on a city street!)

Ananda Balasana
This position releases the sacrum and low back and opens the hips
(I don't know what a sacrum is, but I think the dude on the right looks very open.)

Excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.
(Our champ on the right is also getting a nice mud treatment for his cheek as he holds this pose, making the "dolphin" a multi-porpoise exercise! They charge a FORTUNE for mudpack treatments in those swanky spas. Smart!)

Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of "stress."
(Who looks the most uptight to you here?)

Position of total relaxation.
(Who do you view as more relaxed: the chick on the mat on the left, or the dude
soooo calm, he can maintain this pose on a public bus? 'nuff said, me thinks!)
I hope you've found this information to be enlightening and helpful. Just thinking about it makes me anxious for my next yoga session, and why not? It's five o'clock somewhere!
(Special thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law for emailing these photos!)