Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Aging With Ungirdled Passion" - Great Pick For Fun Book Club Meetings

Looking for a great pick for your book club meeting? Last night, I attended a wonderful book club meeting where "Aging With Ungirdled Passion" was the book pick of the month! OK, so it was MY book club, but I was honored when one of the very wise, insightful women - a visionary, really - picked the book. I was even more impressed with the dinner menu! She served the TOP TEN ANTI-AGING FOODS! How clever is that?! She even made up little cards to place by all the dishes highlighting the benefits of the foods included in them. Everything was delicious! We devoured:

• Wine
• Bean salsa  and guacamole with whole grain chips
• Wine
• Salad of fresh greens with nuts, berries and grilled salmon
• Dessert of fresh berries and dark chocolate!
• Wine

If you want to do the same, you can google "Top Ten Anti-Aging Foods." You'll get tons of articles.

Topics we discussed from the book included:

• How we feel about aging and the phrase "50 is the new 30"
• How friendships really are like underwear
• Physical changes that occur with age and how we handle them
• How our generation is "aging" vs. our mothers'
• Uterus-falling out syndrome
• Vagazzling

Being that we are all of a "certain age" (mid 40s to mid 50s), we had a great, insightful, hilarious discussion and laughed our heads off! Not to mention a fabulous meal! I think we all looked like teenagers by the time we finished all those anti-aging foods! We certainly acted like them while discussing the book. I had honestly not thought of the book as a centerpiece for book club discussions, but I have to say, it was terrific! You have to admit, it's also a quick, economical ($2.99 for ebook; $6.29 for paperback) read. I am nothing if not cheap and easy! I am so grateful for the support of my wonderful friends and Ungirdled sisters everywhere, and wanted to pass on my friend's wonderful ideas for a book club meeting! Happy reading!